Are you tired of being bald then read
In his mid 40s, Mike Thomas went bald. Not a "little bald spot in the back" kind of bald or "receding hairline" kind of bald, but almost totally and completely bald. He was diagnosed with alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease, and he was devastated."It's incredible," Mike Thomas said of his restored hair. "I'm so happy to have it back."
He looked, by his own description, like a "freak," with his eyebrows and eyelashes completely gone. He could feel it when people looked at him. Some of them quietly asked whether he had cancer. "I'm in the real estate business, and I'm active in my community, but I started to shy away from people," said Thomas, who asked that his real name not be used in order to protect his privacy. "It affects every part of your life. I got very depressed, and it was horrible," he said. Then, this year, Thomas took a little white pill used for arthritis, and within seven months, his hair grew back. "It's incredible. I'm so happy to have it back," he said. What this pill means for men with more common baldness As part of a study conducted at Stanford and Yale, Thomas and 65 other alopecia areata patients took the pill, called Xeljanz, which is prescribed for people with rheumatoid arthritis, another autoimmune disease. More than half of the study subjects saw hair regrowth. A third recovered more than 50% of their lost hair. In a separate study, nine of 12 patients with alopecia areata recovered more than 50% of hair regrowth using a similar drug, Jakafi, which is approved for cancer treatment. Although researchers say this is potentially great news for people with alopecia areata like Thomas, what does it mean for men who have hair loss because -- well, because they're men and they're older? Thomas' head may help answer that question. When his hair grew back, he still had a receding hairline. That's because the Xeljanz pill gave him back his 47-year-old head of hair, not his 25-year-old head of hair. "It's incredible," Mike Thomas said of his restored hair. "I'm so happy to have it back." "It's incredible," Mike Thomas said of his restored hair. "I'm so happy to have it back." So now Thomas' dermatologist, Dr. Brett King at Yale, is trying something else: rubbing an ointment containing Xeljanz on the heads of men with alopecia areata.
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